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The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), often referred to as tapping, is a therapeutic method that combines elements of ancient Chinese acupressure with a modern approach to address emotions. It involves gently tapping on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on a particular problem or issue. By doing so, EFT aims to balance the body's energy system and alleviate negative emotions, such as stress, anxiety, and trauma.


This technique is based on the premise that disruptions or blockages in the body's energy flow can contribute to emotional distress and physical discomfort. Through the repetitive tapping sequence, individuals are encouraged to acknowledge their emotions, accept them, and then release them, fostering a sense of emotional well-being and inner peace. EFT is often used as a self-help tool but can also be facilitated by trained practitioners to address a wide range of emotional challenges, from phobias to PTSD, and to promote overall mental and physical health.


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50 min session - $95

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More about EFT


The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) offers a variety of benefits for emotional and physical well-being. Some of these include:


  1. Stress Reduction: EFT helps to lower stress levels by calming the body's nervous system, reducing cortisol levels, and promoting relaxation.

  2. Anxiety Relief: By tapping on specific acupressure points, EFT can alleviate symptoms of anxiety, such as racing thoughts, tension, and worry.

  3. Emotional Regulation: EFT helps individuals acknowledge and process their emotions effectively, leading to greater emotional resilience and stability.

  4. Pain Management: Studies have shown that EFT can help reduce the intensity of physical pain by addressing the underlying emotional factors contributing to it.

  5. Improved Sleep: Practicing EFT before bedtime can promote better sleep quality by easing nighttime worries and promoting relaxation.

  6. Trauma Resolution: EFT has been found to be effective in treating trauma-related symptoms, such as flashbacks, nightmares, and hypervigilance, by desensitizing emotional triggers and promoting emotional healing.

  7. Increased Self-awareness: Through the process of tapping and focusing on specific emotions or issues, individuals gain insight into their thought patterns, beliefs, and behaviors, leading to greater self-awareness and personal growth.

  8. Enhanced Performance: EFT can be used to overcome performance anxiety and boost confidence in various areas, such as public speaking, sports, and creative endeavors.

  9. Improved Relationships: By addressing emotional blocks and limiting beliefs, EFT can improve communication, empathy, and connection in relationships, fostering healthier interactions and deeper intimacy.

  10. Holistic Wellness: EFT addresses the mind-body connection, promoting holistic well-being by integrating emotional, psychological, and physical aspects of health. Overall, EFT offers a powerful and versatile tool for promoting emotional freedom, resilience, and personal empowerment.

Emotional Release

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